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crx-monkey requires a manifest file called manifest.js to configure the extension.

This is automatically generated by create-crx-monkey.

This file exports by default the manifest v3 object with its own options included.

/ @ts-check

/** @type {import('crx-monkey').CrxMonkeyManifest} */
const manifest = {
name: 'name',
version: '1.0.0',
manifest_version: 3,
description: 'description',
content_scripts: [
matches: ['*'],
js: ['src/contentScript/contentScript.ts'],
css: ['src/contentScript/style.css'],
run_at: 'document_idle',
world: 'MAIN',
connection_isolated: true,
userscript_direct_inject: true,
bind_GM_api: false,
trusted_inject: false
background: {
service_worker: 'src/sw/sw.ts',
icons: {
16: 'public/icon/icon16.png',
48: 'public/icon/icon48.png',
128: 'public/icon/icon128.png',
action: {
default_popup: 'src/popup/index.html',

export default manifest;

CRX MONKEY proprietary options defined


Enable Connector required API in content scripts.

"content_scripts": [
"connection_isolated": true,


When run as a user script, it executes the script directly on the page, not on the sandbox.

When this option is enabled, an unsafeWindow is automatically added to the @grant in the userscript header.

"content_scripts": [
"userscript_direct_inject": true


"content_scripts": [
"bind_GM_api": true

This is a means of using the GM API when code is running directly on the DOM with userscript_direct_inject enabled.

We will try to hide as much as possible by using random variable names, but the security is undeniably reduced.


"content_scripts": [
"trusted_inject": true

When userscript_direct_inject is enabled, scripts are injected into the DOM using Trusted Types if the browser supports it.